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Automating Lead Generation in M&A for Healthcare: Tips and Tools


I work part time for a Mergers and Acquisitions company that focuses on the healthcare sector. The role is 100% commission, hence only being part time. I am trying to find ways of automating my role so I can be more effective at identifying and contacting business owners and getting them on a call to see if they are interested in listing their company. There are several tools I already use, and I've messed around a bit with Clay, by importing new contacts that I add to our company Hubspot, but I want to take it much further. The most time-consuming part of all of this is finding business leads, then enriching them. If I could create something in Clay that reliablly did 90-95% of that work, it would be huge. Has anyone else found a reliable way of sourcing leads, checking them for existing Hubspot records (don't want to create a duplicate), creating a new business record in Hubspot, and then enriching it by identifying the owner(s) and finding their direct contact details (email and cell phone)? The biggest part for me is making sure I don't create duplicates, and I can have something finding new leads for me on autopilot, so all I have to do is reach out

  • Avatar of Bo (.
    Bo (.

    Hi Stewart! It sounds like you’re on the right track to automating a lot of your processes, especially when it comes to sourcing and enriching leads in the healthcare M&A space. Here’s how Clay can help: 1. Preventing Duplicate Records in HubSpot: You can use Clay’s “Lookup Contact” and “Lookup Company” features to check if a contact or company already exists in your HubSpot CRM before creating a new record. This will help you avoid duplicates. You can find more details here: HubSpot Integrations. 2. Automating Lead Sourcing: To automate finding new leads, you can set up processes in Clay that pull relevant data and enrich it. You can even create a workflow that continuously searches for new business opportunities and enriches them automatically. You could set this up with our Find People searchand/or Claygent to help identify business owners by extracting details like full name and LinkedIn URL, which can then be enriched to find direct contact details such as email and phone numbers. More about enriching people can be found here: Enrich People with Clay. 3. Lead Enrichment: Once you’ve found a business lead, you can use Clay’s enrichment features to automatically gather important details like the owner’s contact information. Clay can enrich these leads by pulling data such as email and cell phone numbers, which is crucial for reaching out. Those enrichments are called "work email" or "mobile number" and are found in the enrichment panel by clicking the "add enrichment" button at the top right of the page. 4. HubSpot Integration for Creating Records: After you’ve ensured no duplicates exist, Clay can automate the creation or updating of companies and contacts in HubSpot based on the domain or email information. This will save you time by eliminating the manual entry of new records. You can find additional resources on how to set up these features within Clay’s documentation here. If you need more guidance on refining your automation, feel free to reach out! You’re definitely on the right path, and Clay can help take a lot of this workload off your hands 😊

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