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Seeking Success Stories with HG Insights for Competitive Research


has anyone had success doing competitive research with the "Companies by tech stack with HG Insights"? I work for a POS system company and am generally filtering the source by

  • Product Attributes = POS System

  • Products = one specific competitor

  • then further filtering by NAICS for industry

this is the most expensive prompt i'll be doing, and generally hoping for 100 good companies that use our competitors --- right now there's a bug for the HG Insights, so not able to do anything. But wanted to hear from y'all if you've had success with something like this before i pull the trigger. Thanks!

  • Avatar of Andi D.
    Andi D.

    What’s the bug John? I’m testing with HG Insights too and ran into a few small hiccups but was able to get it to run

  • Avatar of John M.
    John M.

    i'm getting a perpetual loading screen when i should be getting up to 100 rows of companies. this happened to me once with Ocean io in generating lookalike companies were you able to generate any rows?

  • Avatar of Andi D.
    Andi D.

    Ya it worked fine for me. My best guess is that you had too many filters?