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Exploring Clay for Tracking Private Equity Food Manufacturing Companies


Hello Everyone, we have been using clay for a little bit and are looking to expand how we use it. Here is what we are trying to do; we are just not sure how to do it or if it is even possible. What we are trying to do is create a list of private equity-owned food manufacturing portfolio companies that have been held for over 5 years. Is that possible with Clay?

  • Avatar of Bharat D.
    Bharat D.

    Hi Jared, it is posible. There are multiple ways to do this. But here is a quick way

    1. 1.

      Use Find Companies module in Clay to get the companies.

    2. 2.

      Use Claygent to find the year of establishment.

    3. 3.

      Run formula based on the above field to get your desired years.

  • Avatar of Duncan M.
    Duncan M.

    I'd create a huge list of food manufacturers, that are not tiny (1-10 employees) and not enormous (10,000+ as these are probably public companies or something like Mars). then run Claygent to find out if they've ever been acquired by PE (I have done this at scale, DM me) and then if they have been acquired, then do another Claygent to find out what year. You could do the two things at once but i find that less effective.