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Introducing a Delay in Workflow: Ideas for a Dummy API Endpoint


Hey any ideas how to introduce a delay in workflow? A dummy API endpoint where I could possibly set at 10 seconds delay?

  • Avatar of Muhammad S.
    Muhammad S.

    Dm'ed you

  • Avatar of Jarek O.
    Jarek O.

    Hey people, I think I found a way to introduce a n sec delay in a Clay workflow. These guys have an option to build a mock REST API with a delay that you can set as you like. On a free plan, 50 calls/day - not huge but may be just right for some applications. DM me if you need details of how to set it up. This is the scenario that I am using it for:

    • collect data through a form

    • run Clay workflow for enrichment

    • write data to gSheets

    • ๐Ÿ• HTTP Post to Beeceptor and wait 15s

    • have Google app script process hte data and generate a PDF

    • Lookup Gsheets for a PDF Url

    • and YES 15s is way more than Google script needs, so the PDF is there ๐Ÿ™‚

    testing it now, but looks damn good:. If you'd like to help me test my workflow, here's the form it all starts with: Cheers! -Jarek

  • Avatar of Jarek O.
    Jarek O.
