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How to Check If an E-commerce Store is Running Google Ads


Hey all, what's the best way to check if an Ecom store (or any business) is running google ads? Besides the SEMrush integration as it's 2 credits per row, curious if you've found any better ways

  • Avatar of Anthony R.
    Anthony R.

    Apify might be a solution too

  • Avatar of Abhishek P.
    Abhishek P.

    SEMrush won't send that data. It only sends data about traffic to the website AJ C.

  • Avatar of Anthony R.
    Anthony R.

    SEMRush has info on competitors adwords

  • Avatar of Nnabuike O.
    Nnabuike O.

    haven’t done this in a long time, but here’s how i did it: check for google ads pixel <> programmatically generate their G ads page <> send a screenshot tool to screengrab the G ads page <> send chatgpt image analyzer to tell from the screenshot if they’re running ads or not, and if they are, you can ask it to explain/output the copy and explain the creatives/products linked