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Looking for MX Records Matching Post from Linkers


Saw a post on Linkers about how to match MX records in the past week and lost it. Anyone remembers it?

  • Avatar of John M.
    John M.

    might be talking about LeadMagic. They show you the MX provider wih their email validation feature.

  • Avatar of Marina G.
    Marina G.

    Yes! That must be it. Thank you!!

  • Avatar of Jonny C.
    Jonny C.

    also free with EmailGuard

  • Avatar of John M.
    John M.

    Jonny C. EmailGuard does show some of this, but LeadMagic's is more defined. I ran a large test comparing the two. EmailGuard is legit tho! That guy is cooking something up.

  • Avatar of Jonny C.
    Jonny C.

    what is more defined?

  • Avatar of John M.
    John M.

    EmailGuard might mark something as Unknown and LeadMagic will say something like SpamBlaster3000, as an example

  • Avatar of John M.
    John M.

    if you take 100 email addresses and run them through both and look at the results youll see what im talking about

  • Avatar of Jonny C.
    Jonny C.

    not sure, never had an unknown return from EG before

  • Avatar of John M.
    John M.

    my bad i was thinking of Custom Mail Server

  • Avatar of Mike R.
    Mike R.

    There’s a bunch of free mx record look up API’s, can filter by those before running validation.

  • Avatar of John M.
    John M.

    can you share some of them you know of Mike R.?

  • Avatar of Mike R.
    Mike R.
    ·{domain}&type=MX if you google mx record lookup api there are quite a few free ones out there 👍

  • Avatar of Jonny C.
    Jonny C.

    doesn't postmaster provide them?