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I dont understand how column type work, why I need it?


I dont understand how column type work, why I need it?

  • Avatar of Jeremy R.
    Jeremy R.

    One important thing is setting a link column to URL type so they become clickable hyperlinks.

  • Avatar of Jeremy R.
    Jeremy R.

    If you haven’t found other uses for the column types, then that means you’re not using Clay enough

  • Avatar of Vas M.
    Vas M.

    I actually have bugs trying to change column type, still cant understand also why you use column type? it allows you to more easy export leads to crm? or something else?

  • Avatar of Jeremy R.
    Jeremy R.

    Column types only change how things work/look on Clay. The data will always export the same, no matter which columns settings you have

  • Avatar of Jeremy R.
    Jeremy R.

    Tell me about the bugs. Maybe I can help.

  • Avatar of Vas M.
    Vas M.

    so whats the usecase of column type, im trying to understand if it will help me somewhere