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Troubleshooting OpenAI API Key Error Despite Credit and Limit


I’m getting this error on my openai API key, even though I have added a small $5 credit and have a $120 limit - does anyone know how to fix this?

  • Avatar of Andreas W.
    Andreas W.

    What’s your ‘build tier’? I think you need Tier 3 and up for this to work

  • Avatar of Bo (.
    Bo (.

    Yea you need 450k tpm 🙂 You can check your current tier, as well as your usage and limits, in the OpenAI dashboard under: • UsageLimitsUsage Tiers We’ve seen users successfully add a pre-paid tier amount to their OpenAI account and resolve the issue. However, since this is outside our control, we recommend troubleshooting directly with OpenAI’s team.