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Can Clay Access Accurate LinkedIn Data for Better Contact Insights?


Can Clay pull accurate, up to date, information from Linkedin? My company currently uses Apollo for this, but the data is pretty inaccurate. Often times the contact’s job title is incorrect. Specifically, I’m looking for: Linkedin - job title, city, state/region, country, company name, company city, company state/region, company country, company headcount, etc

  • Avatar of kunal g.
    kunal g.

    Yeah apollo sucks now, clay pulls are pretty good, not as good as specialised softwares, but much better than apollo

  • Avatar of Ariful A.
    Ariful A.

    Taylor B. that's exactly what we're currently offering: enrich real time all the data points you mentioned directly from LinkedIn via API. If you'd like to give it a try to check the accuracy, you can send me a DM.

  • Avatar of Taylor B.
    Taylor B.

    kunal g. what specialized softwares have you tried? Are there any with native hubspot integrations?

  • Avatar of kunal g.
    kunal g.

    Taylor B. for every data type there are favorite picks, do you want to send data directly from clay to hubspot or do you want to send data directly from the scraping software to hubspot?

  • Avatar of Taylor B.
    Taylor B.

    Either one. Ideally it would be a native integration