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Introducing BetterEnrich: Real-Time Data Enrichment from LinkedIn


We're currently building a data enrichment platform called BetterEnrich to enrich various data points directly from LinkedIn in real-time. The most interesting fact is It doesn't ask for your “LinkedIn cookies” (access) like Phantom buster or Texau does. So far we have created a total of 8 endpoints that are ready to use: 1: Enrich person from LI profile Urls. 2: Enrich recent posts from LI profile Urls. 3: Enrich company from LI company URLs. 4: Check Open Profiles Status from LinkedIn Urls (if the profile is open to receive messages without InMail credits) 5: Enrich Job descriptions from Job URL IDs 6: Find Open Jobs from LI Company Urls. 7: Find Department/ Function Headcount from LinkedIn Company Urls. 8: Enrich Hire Insights from LinkedIn Company Urls. I have got two pre-built Clay and Persana AI tables to try all the APIs at once. If you'd give this a try to check the accuracy, Just send me a DM. What are the other endpoints that you'd like us to include inside our platform?

  • Avatar of Sai


  • Avatar of Ariful A.
    Ariful A.

    Sai sent you a DM to proceed with it. Thanks for showing your interest! Happy to see how you find our platform!