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Determining Lead Age and Targeting 60+ Business Owners in Clay


Is there a way to determine the age or DOB of a lead in Clay? I was looking to target 60+ business owners that might be interested in selling their business (for M&A). Any other strategies I could implement for this?

  • Avatar of kunal g.
    kunal g.

    if you're going for older folks, years in current experience would be relevant and a good place to start anyone over 10-12 years in the same company is likely to be older > then combine that with the niche filters to get the specific types of busienss owners

  • Avatar of Serge A.
    Serge A.

    What about scraping the LinkedIn data to find out when people went to school or university and then calculate their approximate age? It probably won't be precise, give or take a few years, but still.

  • Avatar of kunal g.
    kunal g.

    Oh yeah that's a more reliable one tbh