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Tips for Optimizing Clay Operations with Component Organization


Hey all - any good advice or tutorials out there for component-itizing various Clay operations? I'm thinking about how I want our workspace to be organized, and thinking something like:

  • Each workbook will represent some kind of program, campaign, or list operation

  • But within each workbook, there are maybe 1 or 2 enrichments I always run. So how do I avoid having to recreate those enrichments everytime, but instead use some system of subprocesses/templates to do so?

I feel like I'm missing something and this would be a core use case of Clay, but it seem like each new workbook requires recreating the various enrichments over and over again? And then if I find a better/more optimal way to perform that enrichment in the future, I'd have to edit every single workbook?

  • Avatar of Savva C.
    Savva C.

    You need to use a concept of query caching, basically, you will enrich once and save credits , send me a dm and I will send you a quick demo , it’s very easy

  • Avatar of Faye C.
    Faye C.

    Sorry I should clarify. I don't need to enrich the same record (eg. ACME company) multiple times It's more like:

    • Let's say I have a table that runs a waterfall and then uses 2 agents to perform some operation, returning some result

    • Instead of having to recreate all those columns in every new workbook I create, is there a best practice way to simply perform that operation, from any workbook, and get the result back?

  • Avatar of Faye C.
    Faye C.

    I'm guessing it's going to be something like:

    • Create a table like reusable-operation

    • Then, from my campaign-table I might have a list of 100 companies to proceses

    • For each company in campaign-table, I might Write to table to send them to reusable-operation

    • Then for each company campaign-table, I could use Lookup rows to then find the result from reusable-operation

    This feels very clunky to me, so wondering if there's a better way

  • Avatar of Idan N.
    Idan N.

    That's also how I've been doing it, but it's not been working very well for me so I'd love to know if you find a better solution. The problem I ran into with the method you mentioned is that when writing to a reusable-operation table, it often takes time to run through all the operations (find work email through waterfall, for example). That results in the query not finishing whenever Lookup rows is triggered in campaign-table , which causes an empty value to be returned instead of the real value after waterfall. I'm sure there must be a better way...