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Best Practices for Email De-duplication and Do Not Contact Management


What are best practices to avoid the same person receiving multiple emails when they are found in multiple clay tables? For example, Jane Doe is in a table for Conference leads and she is also in a table for 10k analysis leads. Both tables are for email campaigns. What de-duplication or cross checking can be automated so that Jane Doe only receives one email, and is excluded from all other tables that involve an email sequence? Do you for every table “write to a master table” that manages all email outbound and then run some type of de-duplication or cross checking there, or what are best practices? In a similar spirit, what is recommend best practices for ensuring people / accounts on a “do not contact list” like “unsubscribed” are deleted from a Clay table before emails get sequenced? Much thanks for sharing wisdom!

  • Avatar of Alberto

    You can look up contacts across table and make sure you are sending only one email for each contact. However it is also about why are you sending multiple emails, in that case it might be that both emails are relevant but might need to be sent in sequence and with the right context. From my understanding you have 3 macro segments 1. contacts for email A 2. contacts for email B 3. Contacts that fit email A and B

  • Avatar of Justin R.
    Justin R.

    Thanks Alberto. The table look up appears to work for only a single table. Are you able to do multiple table look ups? When using Clay at enterprise scale, there are lots of considerations, like “unsubscribe list”, customers / opps to not contact, and then also people are being pulled in from a variety of lists, where one person could be on multiple lists and we only want them to be email sequenced once. What formula’s, flows, enrichments or best practices do you and others follow for this type of context?

  • Avatar of Alberto

    You have the look up across multiple tables

  • Avatar of Alberto

    The output will be multiple , but then you can use a formula to filter only the one you care. Example "Write Yes if Lookup contains email B"

  • Avatar of Justin R.
    Justin R.

    Thanks for the idea. How do you do a look up across multiple tables? I only see an option to search a single table at a time.

  • Avatar of Alberto
  • Avatar of Alberto
  • Avatar of Justin R.
    Justin R.

    This is what I see as well, which is singular look up for a “table” and plural lookup for “row(s)“. What do you recommend to look up multiple “tables” to identify when the same person / email is in multiple tables? Thanks again, you are appreciated.

  • Avatar of Alberto

    You do the same - multiple column with a look up - with each table you want to look up. Ultimately you will have a master table that look up into other tables A = master table | B = Table campaign B | C = table campaing C . From A you can see who is only on one table , who in both and who in none . I hope i am making sense as i am writing while i am thinking. 🙂

  • Avatar of alexandre p.
    alexandre p.

    anyway in smartlead you won't be able to send 2 emails to 1 people if the prospect is within the same campaign

  • Avatar of Alberto

    i think eaach table is a separate campaign so that is the issue

  • Avatar of Alberto

    i guess smartlead will tell you which one is in what table , but it means that you need to control the camapign from smartlead reather than clay. I believe you want to do it from your data in clay so you can create segments to send out to smartlead.

  • Avatar of Justin R.
    Justin R.

    Thanks Alexandre and Alberto. Correct, each campaign is managed in a separate Clay table. How do you guys cross reference email campaigns against a “do not contact” list?

  • Avatar of Alberto

    If you have a do not contact list , put it in a separate table and do a look up from the master

  • Avatar of Alberto

    Or if a contact become do not contact creare a field with an associated rule do not contact and then filter out those contacts . Use the view without those contacts for your campaigns