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Creating a Workflow for Effective Company Targeting and Data Enrichment


I'm just getting started with Clay and realizing there is a lot to know around where to get the best up-to-date data. I have Apollo, Sales Navigator and of course Clay. I need to set up a workflow that does the following:

  1. 1.

    Identify Companies where I filter by industry, size, state and headcount growth. Key element I'm looking for are companies within a certain headcount growth range from sales nav.

  2. 2.

    Once I have companies I want to find which ones have open positions and don't to run two different campaigns.

  3. 3.

    Identify 1-3 titles at each company and how long they have been with the company along with some other enrichments.

Question is where to build the company list and then where to get best up to date data on the contacts. Thanks

  • Avatar of kushagra
    1. 1.

      Since you want to filter companies based on growth %. Use Sales Nav to build a list and a scraper to export out of Sales Nav.

    2. 2.

      When you scrape companies from Sales Nav, it also gives you the data of which ones are hiring or not. This should solve for open positions.

    3. 3.

      Other alternative to find open jobs would be use the native enrichments in Clay which can find the same data, ie if the company has any open jobs or not.

    4. 4.

      To find contacts in the company based on title use Apollo and Clay both. This should give you maximum coverage. Apollo can be connected directly into Clay as well.

  • Avatar of kushagra

    Do note - scraping Sales Nav is risky if you are doing it from your own account which requires cookies. The risk is getting banned. Best to use a throwaway account or a third party service.

  • Avatar of Jeff M.
    Jeff M.

    Thanks kushagra. This makes sense. I'm using evaboot to grab companies from linkedin so I have to do 1000 at time but that should work for my use case. Did not reailize I could use apollo inside of clay to expand my people search. Thanks.