I am having an issue with the google sheets integration. When I select a 'sheet Id' that input field disappears. Then if I save and run the column I get an error saying I need to select a spreadsheet ID and sheet Id. It loops from there. You can see the issue in this loom video: https://www.loom.com/share/a3ddac2e32074b4d83a84f2880ba89ab?sid=5236586d-9d76-483f-935a-73ded196aae9
This issue might be related to Google Sheets' API rate limits. Google Sheets has a default limit of 300 read requests per minute per project. When this limit is exceeded, it can cause errors and require manual refreshes.To resolve this, try these steps:1. Paste your Google Spreadsheet URL 2. Select the Sheet ID 3. Wait a minute before trying again if you encounter the error 4. Make sure you have proper read/write access to the sheet you're trying to accessIf the issue persists after waiting and retrying, you may want to explicitly request human support for further troubleshooting, as this appears to be an unusual behavior that may require additional investigation. Source: Google Sheets integration overview | Documentation | Clay University
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