I think the scroll bar for when to scroll left/right in the table is buggy - its mostly hidden and even when hovered really hard to catch which makes it really hard to work with Clay
https://app.clay.com/workspaces/420662/tables/t_DQUtp4aMgEfq/views/gv_opjzQFmXF8mc specifically for this table
We don't have specific information about a buggy scroll bar issue in Clay tables. However, we're constantly working on improving our app's user experience.If you're having trouble navigating your table, you might find it helpful to use our new global navigation bar. It allows you to navigate the entire workspace while in a table, which could potentially help with any scrolling issues you're experiencing.To better assist you with this specific issue, could you please provide more details about when and where you're encountering this problem with the scroll bar? For example, is it happening in a particular view or with a specific table size? Sources: Views New Global Navigation
Looks like you're still looking for help. We're escalating this over to our support team and someone should be in touch soon. In the meantime, feel free to include any other information that may be helpful in solving your issue!
Hey Fabian! Thanks for reaching out. Sorry about this. Just to confirm, when you use the "left/right" scroll bar in your table, you have to hover a few times to catch it. That is, it vanishes again just as you hover over it and you have to do that a few times to use it? Could you share a recording showing the steps you take? It'll help the team troubleshoot.
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