I created a find people table in a workbook but I got told the table couldnt be created or failed to, so I made some changes. The issue is the table did work and now I have used a huge number of credits on two tables when I only needed one
To prevent duplicate tables and unintended credit usage, here are the key steps to take: 1. Use auto-dedupe to prevent duplicate records within your tables. This feature helps keep your data clean and saves credits by not enriching the same user/company multiple times. 2. Turn off auto-update while building your tables: • Click the three-dot icon next to your table name • Select "Auto-Update Columns" • Toggle off auto-update • This prevents automatic enrichment of new rows until you're ready. 3. Before running any enrichments: • Test on a few rows first • Only turn auto-update back on when your setup is completely finalized 4. For existing tables, you can refine your search by clicking on the "Imported Profiles" column > Sources > Last Search > Edit Source. Note that this will add new rows rather than replace existing ones, so you'll need to manually remove any duplicates. Sources: Find People [Clay 101] - Clay University Auto-dedupe Guide: Ways to Save Clay Credits - Clay University
2 tables in fact
Looks like you're still looking for help. We're escalating this over to our support team and someone should be in touch soon. In the meantime, feel free to include any other information that may be helpful in solving your issue!
Hey Abolade, thanks for reaching out. Sorry you encountered that issue, happy to help. Was that a few days back or within that same day, to ensure I can add those credits back in. And if you recall the steps to reproduce the issue, do let us know so we can report it, thank you!
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