trying to pull leads from storeleads and at first i get no results. tried back after 6 hours and i'm getting huge icons loom video for better explanation:
When using Store Leads to find companies, you might experience some initial delays before seeing results. This is because Store Leads has an extensive database of e-commerce stores, and the search process can take some time.The "huge icons" you're seeing after the initial delay are likely the result of the data being loaded and displayed in Clay's user interface. Store Leads provides comprehensive data on e-commerce stores, including various details that might be represented by icons or visual elements in the Clay platform.To help us better assist you, could you provide more details about the specific search criteria you're using and how long you're waiting before seeing results? This information will help us understand if there might be any issues with the integration or if it's just a matter of the search process taking longer than expected. Sources: Store Leads x Clay integration | Find Companies by Keywords with Store Leads
Hey there Sandra thanks for reaching out, do you mind sending the link (url) to the table so we can take a look?
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Just replied your email with the links