Hello when I try to load any of my HTTP API templates nothing happen Can somebody check what is the issu?
To help with your HTTP API template loading issue, here's what you can check:1. Start by clicking the "Browse Templates" button at the top of the integration window to access available templates. 2. If you're experiencing issues, it's likely related to data formatting. Common problems include: ā¢ Missing quotation marks around text values ā¢ Incorrect comma placement ā¢ Improperly formatted special characters 3. For the best results: ā¢ Double-check your data format ā¢ Ensure all text values are properly enclosed in quotes ā¢ Verify your API keys are correctIf you're still unable to load the templates after trying these steps, please ask for a human agent to assist you further. Sources: HTTP API integration overview | Documentation | Clay University HTTP/API [Clay 101] - Clay University FAQ: Why am I seeing the "failed to parse body" error when using the HTTP API enrichment?
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