Hi I keep getting mappings that say they ahve a duplicate destination (they don’t this is a bug). I’ve fixed this around 5 times now, and it keeps happening again. Please can you look into this, pretty urgently (for a client release). Thank you! https://app.clay.com/workspaces/339655/tables/t_HTyvPq4TobGm/views/gv_vWDA8ME8seeo
This issue might be related to invalid or conflicting data configurations in your mappings. Here's how you can resolve it: 1. First, check your API key configuration: • Go to Settings > Connections • Search for Clay and verify your API key is properly connected 2. If you're still experiencing issues, the error may be due to: • Writing to deleted columns • Sending data to tables that reference another tableTo fix this: 1. Reconfigure your Write to Table integrations 2. Verify all columns and tables exist and are properly set up 3. Remove and re-add the integrations to clear any misconfigurationsIf these steps don't resolve your issue, please explicitly ask for a human agent in this conversation for further assistance, as this may require direct investigation of your specific setup. Source: Write to table integration overview | Documentation | Clay University
Hi Ben, thanks for reaching out! Happy to take a look here for you
Hey Ben, I just deleted the input and re-added it to write to table and it saved correctly. Please try running this now and let us know if you have any further questions!
I’ve done this a tonne of times
The error keeps coming back
This is for a client project and I’m trying to get it signed off, but don’t feel confident with it in this state
t looks like this might just be a user interface bug, when I check the table it is writing to I see both of these columns are filled and have values. Let me know if there are any incorrect results you're seeing
Ok cool so I should be able to run the table regardless? It’s just the domain’s important for the flow so i don’t want it to mess anything up
Yes you should be able to run the table correctly
Hey there - just wanted to check in here to see if you needed anything else! Feel free to reply back here if you do.
We haven't heard back from you in a bit, so we're going to go ahead and close things out here - feel free to let us know if you still need something!
Thanks! We've reopened this thread. You can continue to add more detail directly in this thread.
Ok this definitely did not run the table correctly and has caused significant disruption to my clients project & cost a lot of resource/credits (external to Clay).
https://app.clay.com/workspaces/339655/tables/t_HTyvPq4TobGm/views/gv_vWDA8ME8seeo All of the fields were correctly mapped, and now the bug is back, the domain has been unmapped for some reason now too (1-24 & Prospect - Go Sell Wireless) I haven’t checked the others, but I’ve just received a complaint from the client about this
Please can you look into this ASAP.
Hey Ben, thanks for reaching out. I get how frustrating this must be, especially with the client impact. Our team is actively looking into this. Can you let me know exactly which columns weren't mapped correctly? Specifically, which ones ended up in the wrong place? That'll help us tremendously. In the meantime, can you try a hard refresh (Cmd + Shift + R). If that doesn't fix it, make sure to re-select the last column selector before saving a new enrichment. Once I hear back from you, I'm happy to cover the credit costs - just let me know what the total was. We'll keep you posted as we go as well.
Hey Bo (., thanks for getting back to me. Appreciate the credit option, but all of this is with HTTP external providers, I don’t think we’ve spent a Clay credit yet for this project. AT&T - Master Table:
It’s really hard to say which columns aren’t mapped correctly, they behave very sporadically and I’ve updated (fixed) these over 5 times, only for it to break again, as mentioned in my previous comment above.
It keeps changing which ones are unmapped, but if you go through each of the ‘Write to Other Table’ enrichments, you’ll see the bug present on pretty much all of them. These all need to be fixed & amended please.
For example: 1-24 & Wireless - Go Sell Fiber: ‘Employee Range Formula’ & ‘title’ have been unmapped
Request: If your team could please do the following, this would be GREATLY appreciated.
AT&T - Master Table: move all values from phone_type to the Phone Type column (this wasn’t you guys, my client made an error, but I’d appreciate it nonetheless).
Make sure that all of the ‘Write to Other Table’ enrichments are fixed & error free. They should all have (at a minimum):
Phone Number
Phone Type
Normalized Name
Employee Range Formula
If the Company Domain, Phone Type & Employee Range Formula fields could now be sent/remapped back over to the other tables to fill in the gaps (where they’ve been missed in the incorrect mapping), that would be huge.
Hopefully that explains everything ok? Happy to send over a Loom or something if that’s more useful.
Hey Ben, The team isn't entirely sure where this is coming from, but we've found a workaround: 1. Try a hard refresh (Cmd + Shift + R). 2. If that doesn't fix it, manually re-set the last column selector before saving any new enrichment. 3. Alternatively, try duplicating the column and mapping it again. Fix timeline: TBD—our team is actively working on it. Regarding the Write to Other Table enrichments, we won't be able to re-map the data inside the table directly. The best approach is to go into the table and re-run the Write to Other Table enrichment. Happy to do this, but I'd recommend you try it first since it can trigger multiple enrichments and you would be the most aware. The write to other table should also work. This bug seems to be currently only aesthetics. But if you see columns not going to the right spot, please report it directly to us. Let me know if you need more help!
Hey Bo (., with respect this is exactly what was suggested before by the previous colleague - I was told it was just a visual error so I persisted, and this is what caused all of the rows to be messed up. I hope you understand that I really don’t want to run into the same issue again as it’s costing me a tonne of time with this client
I’ve just tried all 3 solutions and none of them are working, something real weird is going on here. They’re ‘working’ for a few minutes, and then they start erroring again. I don’t want to run any data through this as I’m concerned it’s going to mess things up even more
Ben - Sorry for this, it looks like we've got a bug on our hands. I've escalated this to our engineering team to help look into it. We'll follow up here as soon as we know more!
Thanks Bruno
Please keep me updated as our client is spending a good amount each month on email accs etc while this isn’t live
We will be in touch as soon as we have news, thank you for your patience Ben!
Thanks Bruno
Hey there Ben, jumping in to let you know that we have ushed out a fix for this.
Thanks LuisArturo & Bruno R. Understandably my client isn’t overly happy as we’re going to have to run 20k rows again (which has cost him due to using external vendors through API). Is there anything we can offer in terms of reimbursement here? Just to be clear I’m not benefitting here at all, this is his account. I just want to smooth this over as much as possible.
Hey there Ben just to confirm this is for the Nucomm workspace correct?
Hey this is correct
Hey there Ben just added some credits to the workspace, for this situation.