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Resolving Settings Contains Deleted Column Error in HTTP Requests


hi, keep getting an error message from the http saying "Settings contains deleted column for "body" input" but none of the columns are deleted

  • Avatar of Channeled

    This error typically occurs when there's a configuration issue with the HTTP API integration. Here are a few things to check: 1. Even though you don't see any deleted columns, there might be a reference to a deleted column in your body input settings. Double-check that all columns referenced in your body configuration still exist and are correctly set up. 2. To resolve this, you'll need to: โ€ข Reconfigure your body input settings โ€ข Ensure all referenced columns exist and are properly configured โ€ข Double-check for any syntax issues in your body configurationImportant note: Once columns are deleted, they cannot be recovered, so you'll need to recreate any missing columns and reconfigure the integration. Sources: HTTP API with JWT authentication | Documentation | Clay University Write to table integration overview | Documentation | Clay University

  • Avatar of Channeled

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