Anyone having trouble with getting results from ''Use AI''? I suddenly only get complete error messages. This happens if I use my own API or the one from Clay. example of error message: ''COMPLETE - ERROR: OpenAI's API returned: "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'toString')"''
Robbert - Do you mind sending the link to the table so we can take a look?
Based on the information available, while the Use AI feature should work with either Clay-managed accounts or your own API key, there are a few things you can check if you're experiencing errors:1. Verify you're properly connected to an AI model - you can use either: โข The Clay-managed account (default option) โข Your own API key (if you're on a paid plan)If you're using your own API key, make sure it's properly set up by going to Model > Account > Add Account.Since you're experiencing a specific error related to undefined properties, this may require investigation by our support team. Please ask for a human agent to help troubleshoot this technical issue. Source: Use AI integration overview | Clay University
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Yes I am having this issue as well. For templates that I have used in the past too that I know should work