Hi! Importing records from a Salesforce list gives me an Error: Bad Request message. Clay table here
When importing from Salesforce into Clay, there are a few key requirements that need to be met to avoid errors:1. You need specific Salesforce permissions: ā¢ Access to identity information ā¢ Permission to manage data via APIs ā¢ Permission to perform requests anytime 2. Your Salesforce user account must have OAuth permissions for the initial connection setup. 3. For list imports, make sure: ā¢ You've selected the correct Salesforce Object ā¢ You've chosen a valid List View ā¢ Your Salesforce administrator has granted you appropriate permissions for the account associated with your keyIf you're still experiencing issues after checking these requirements, you may want to try importing from a Salesforce list rather than a report, as lists generally provide more comprehensive data access. Sources: Import from CRM [Clay 101] - Clay University Salesforce [Clay 101] - Clay University
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