Is there a bug in Claygent right now? It is giving undefined for Claygent prompts.
If you're experiencing issues with Claygent prompts returning undefined results, here are some steps you can take to address this:1. Ensure your search queries are specific and well-defined 2. Break large data requests into smaller batches 3. Monitor your usage limits and API quotas 4. Verify your input data format is correct 5. Double-check your prompts and search parameters before running tasksYou can also use our metaprompters to help craft better prompts that will yield more accurate results.
Encountered the same issue as well since yesterday
Are your Claygent Prompts rather complex?
While I don't see any specific bug reports, if you're experiencing issues with Claygent results, here are some troubleshooting steps you can take:1. Check your prompt structure: โข Ensure your search queries are specific and well-defined โข Use clear step-by-step instructions โข Specify the desired output format 2. Address potential processing issues: โข Break large data requests into smaller batches โข Verify your input data format is correct โข Monitor your usage limits and API quotas โข Check your network connection stabilityIf you continue experiencing issues, please click on "Talk to a person" for direct assistance from our support team. Sources: Prompt Engineering Crash Course [Clay 101] - Clay University Claygent: AI Web Scraper [CRM Enrichment] - Clay University Guide: Integrate with Catch-all Verifier using HTTP API
Yes Maximilian J.
Very Complex
Looks like you're still looking for help. We're escalating this over to our support team and someone should be in touch soon. In the meantime, feel free to include any other information that may be helpful in solving your issue!
Okay maybe it is related to complexity to a certain degree. However, the exact same prompts a few days ago either timed out or retried but there was no "undefined"
Major difference is that I have been charged for "undefined" prompt results in comparison to the other 2 ๐
Hey Aamir, thanks for flagging this issue. The team came across this situation and pushed some changes today, you should no longer get charged for those undefined / timed out items but let me know if you still see it. Do you recall how many of these charged you? Happy to add those credits back into the account.
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Sounds awesome Arturo O.! Will let you know if it still happens too ๐ Regarding the credits: I've ran a list of 450 rows and it happened about 40 times x3 = 120 credits. Not that much but would still help me to improve the prompt a little more ๐