Hello I Have a problem with the HTTP module Screenshots : I send a correct JSON to a webhook in make.com but when i send it the module add ":" at the end of the JSON so it can't be read in make. I tested the same operation in Postam and it work so I think the bug is from Clay. Here is the link of the table : https://app.clay.com/workspaces/320443/tables/t_VcT3zYU3cvWX/views/gv_xBRBVbKaop9Y Thanks for your help
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Hello Where do you see ":" in postman ?
So i can't use the data in make
And i don't know where this ":" at the end of the JSON come from
The link of the clay table : https://app.clay.com/workspaces/320443/tables/t_VcT3zYU3cvWX/views/gv_xBRBVbKaop9Y
Hey Pierre, thanks for reaching out! 😊 I tried running it again, and this is what I’m seeing on the backend—there’s nothing showing up. Could you give it another try and let me know if you’re still experiencing the issue? I’ve sent it multiple times at different intervals. If the issue persists, I would recommend reaching out to Make, as this is the final step inside Clay and our backend doesn’t seem to contain any issues. Getting some clarity on what they’re receiving would really help. Let me know how it goes! 😊 https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/1169189940/e8b48edece4900a285550f73/CleanShot+2024-09-04+at+_58gZbe8XbQ%402x.png?expires=1725491700&signature=c2157bc829fa944a8cb5a2ad3ed9f4dba7a7dbc35f382c543f7ff624630ba28b&req=dSEhH8h2lIhbWfMW1HO4zUaX8VBSV9HviJ3Fr2hBdCldmlxK9omi2Gduc5V6%0A%2BOQG%0A