⚡Our Enrich Data modal just got a whole new look!⚡ Enriching data is the heart of what you do in Clay. We updated the visual organization of our main enrichment modal to help you find what you need faster. Some notes: -You can now work backwards from what you want to find (e.g. work emails) and then choose how (waterfall across multiple providers or use a single provider). -You can jump around sections to find data about companies, people, clean data, connect to CRMs, and more -Use the search bar like you normally do to query across our entire library of actions and quickly find specific actions Check out our video by Karan W., the whiz behind the new modal, for a quick walkthrough. We'd love to hear any of your feedback or questions, as we'll definitely be iterating on this—just comment in this thread or DM me with your thoughts ❤️
woohoo- thank you guys so much!!! let us know if you have any feedback or requests as you use it🙂
Seems like there’s another change? I don’t see the person data section 👀
The person data section should still be there as in the screenshots above, mind sending a screen video or pic of what you're having trouble with?
i see the clean data section after company data
Anirudh, with the latest update, we created "Typed tables" so it would be easier to navigate the enrichment panel and only add corresponding enrichments to the type of table you're working on. For example, let's say you Find Companies from LinkedIn, that would be a company-type table and you only want to enrich it with company data providers. That would be the reason People Data isn't surfaced but enrichments are still accessible. Then if you Find People for that list of companies and import them to a new table, that will be a people-type table where you can run people-level data providers and not worry about burning credits with company enrichments. Finally, you have the option to override that rule by Converting to Custom table (three dots next to the Table's name).
ah okay thanks!